Forte Forte

Forte Forte Boutique Roma

Design Interiors Shop Roma 2021-07-08

Rome is an eternal city, and in every corner of the city, on every stone can be read a different level of time and style. The point is that contrast was always harmonious in Rome. Forte Forte Boutique Roma by Forte Forte looks like a vibrant green onyx stone, a precious material with a unique design that encompasses thousands of years of history.

The green onyx, due to its special mineral structure, takes on a subtle transparency in contact with light. This is a stone from Afghanistan, an extinct volcanic region that is at least as old as this city. The green onyx is treated in large symmetrical blocks to obtain a matte finish that creates a feeling of total immersion in the store: it floods the space from floor to wall.

The entire perimeter of the landscape box is illuminated by a beam of light and marked by cascading lights, while polished brass panels folded together and secured with brass stitches form the wall on the back. By contrast, the ceiling of the original part of the store is white. In such a certain space, the fitting room, closed by brass hinged doors and opened through portholes, is a mystical presence that reveals the feminine, boudoir like interior.

Forte Forte space is a continuous narrative in which powerful and existing material memorizes pure forms, shaped on the unique character of the place. Locus refers to the Locus, not the immediate environment, but the Genius Loci itself, and the city associated with it.

From the creative dialogue of Giada Forte and Robert Vattilana, a language was born that followed rhythms and metrics, changed from time to place, and became a jargon. The emergence of The New Roman boutique at 4C Borgognona, once the heart of Campo Marzio, marks a new chapter in this character-filled street and affirms a new habit synthesised by extremes, an enduring desire for intimacy. A soft sense of power, a timeless lightness, pervades the world.

The challenge is about the concept itself, which allows for a complete custom and handmade project, as it is located in a historic building protected by the city's fine Arts superintendent. The treatment of green onyx into large symmetrical blocks meant that every millimeter was counted when designing the entire space. Great craft team made this project possible.


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